The Whole Sordid Tale (Almost):

The Beginning

I was born in Fresno, California in 1977, at the height of the summer, when it�s too hot to move, think or even leave. My home was in Clovis, an appendage-like suburb on the east end of town, where the acronym KKK actually means Klovis Klan Kountry.

I managed to survive in such a locale, and even excelled in its overfunded public schools, until age 16, when my boredom with said schools prompted me to skip my senior year of high school and move onto the college world.

Education & Emoployment

I went to California State University Fresno beginning in June 1994, at age 16 and finished my B.A. in December of 1997 and my M.A. in May 2001. My undergraduate work was in Geography and my graduate work was in International Relations, a part of CSU Fresno's Political Science department. Needless to say, I tend to keep up on world events, and I'm very opinionated.

I currently work for the famiy biz, which has left me underappreciated and underpaid, but it keeps Dad sane. I used to work for the CSU Fresno Athletic Dept., and it was quite possibly the most rewarding job I could ever possibly have. But after seven years and no advancement potential, I had to leave it behind. Returning to a similar job is something I still harbor a mild fantasy for. I'm currently looking for work in the San Francisco Bay Area so that I can hack up with my man. Any employers interested are free to peruse my resume.

Law School is in the not-too-distant future. I hope to land a job as deputy DA in whatever locale I end up at. Ideally, my future may also include something which will act as an outlet for my writing (aka ranting), like a newspaper or periodical column, which can accompany my work in law. I also entertain fantasies of being a spy, porn star, president, property manager, housewife, pensioner, city planner and toady. Hopefully I live long enough to realise at least the majority of them...


I reside in a flat above my sister's detached garage. It suits me fine, since it's actually better than a real apartment. No attached neighbors, I come & go as I please, incredibly cheap (and negotiable) rent, and my landlord is one of my closest friends. As aforementioned, I plan to move to San Francisco to live with my wonderful, adorable boyfriend in the near future. Until then, take a tour of my current home, or even a tour of his.


I became a big fan of the Fresno local music scene after I turned 21 and started frequenting the small live music venues 'round town. I�ve always been quite an introvert. Those who know me well understand my appreciation for my personal space and desire to keep to myself. I often will go out by myself, not as a 'single' but as a loner. I sometimes even get so daring as to take road trips and holidays alone, shacking up at trusty old Motel 6, or even lesser accommodations, when available.

I quit smoking on 31 Dec 2001, but still dabble in tobacco now and then. I remain a moderate beer-drinker. I have dabbled in drugs, but found both the substances and the scene they inspire rather boring. I prefer to avoid them these days. I dislike dance clubs, since I only dance to Let's Go Bowling, and also have an incredible case of homophobia. However, I do enjoy a romp in the sack now and then. If you want to join in, read this first.

Music & Media

I'm a fan of just about any music that demonstrates talent, but have a big crush on Barney Sumner and Ben watt. I have been a huge Cure fan since elementary school, and I am a major collector of Siouxsie & the Banshees stuff. Most of my musical fetishes can be found on my Links Page.

I am not a huge movie buff, but I love a good movie all the same. I watch a bit of TV. Most of it is prime-time cartoons. My music fanaticism has made me something of an audiophile, and I have the Sony Super Stereo System to show for it. I have a digital satellite, and it tends to consume most of my evening hours. I read quite a bit, mostly about applied philosophy, Anglo-centric political history, Fresno, and Britsh Music Mags. If you're feeling luvvy, you can always buy me something appropriate.

Food and Consumption

In the food department, I'm a true omnivore. I have a fetish for diners and mom-and-pop taco stands. I have a special page dedicated to local dives. I cook when I can, everything from white trash breakfast to gutsy Italian or German dinners. I tend to eat healthy when I'm cooking for myself, but fast food and prepared food and deli food are all very bad weaknesses of mine. I would rather spend my extra income on food and gadgets than on furniture or clothing.

I'm a technology fan and a true Mac supremecist. I go in phases from bad-with-money to good-with-money, but have never had any major financial difficulties, and my credit is spotless.

Interested in anything more specific? I enjoy talking about myself to no end. Please drop me a note if you want to know more about me.