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Part 1: Terms of Use

This site (including all documents contained within the,, and domains as well as all additional subdirectories, files, and subdomains, whether linked, transferrable, accessible or not) is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The information contained within it is not guaranteed or warranted in any fashion, and the use of it for any purposes is the sole responsibility of the person or persons accessing this site ("user"/"users"). The truth or validity of any statements made herein is in no way expressed, implied or denied. Any use of this web site, whether or not the Terms of Use ("ToU") document has been accessed by the user, is to constitute full acceptance of the ToU document in its entirety, including Copyright provisions and Disclaimers. The web master, hosting service and registrar, as well as all related affiliates and partners involved, accept no liability for the improper use or lack of use of this web site, nor for consequent actions of the proper use or non-use thereof.

Part 2: Copyright

Except where indicated otherwise, all contents of this site (including all documents contained within the,, and domains as well as all additional subdirectories, files, and subdomains, whether linked, transferrable, accessible or not) are sole property of Mark C. Kratt or his designated partners or legal executors. Any contents whose copyright is indicated otherwise are subject to the terms of use of their respective owners or licensees. Material may be viewed personal use or in the form of a review or citation, so long as no part of the selected material is altered from the form it appears within this site, and accompanied by an attribution referring to the URL or the site owner (Mark C. Kratt). No material may be reproduced, copied, distributed or used for any other purposes, nor may material other than actual pages or parts of pages be linked from outside servers. Sound and graphic files, as well as all non-stand-alone html documents, must only be referenced from their internal links within this site. All inquiries for the use of material herein other than as specified should be addressed to Mark C. Kratt via e-mail. Requests for non-electronic methods of correspondence will be considered upon an initial contact via electronic mail.

Part 3: User Privacy

Use of this site is tracked for statistical purposes. This site does not use cookies, and no user-specific information is acquired by normal use. However, any contact forms, messages, or board postings become property of site owner as soon as they are submitted to the servers containing this site or any of its elements. Harrassment, intentional or inferred, by any method or utility with this site, of the site owner or any users subjects the offender to reciprocation, prosecution or other actions as deemed appropriate by site owner. By submitting any voluntary, non-statistic-related information to this site, the user is agreeing to release all ownership of such submissions to the site owner for use at the site owner's sole discretion.

Part 4: Contributions

Contributions to and assistance in the design and publication of this site, as well as research and information contained herein, have included, but are not limited to, the participation of the following parties: NetNation Communications, J. David Gwynn, William G. Kratt, Kabir Akhtar, Dean Olmstead, Rebecca M. Caraveo, Lydia Fortner, Steven Severin, Roddy A. Fletcher, Pair Networks, Sebastien Boisvent, Nicolas LeBlanc, David Sultan, Marcos Zamudio, Steven Gonzales, Arnaud Damiani.