rants and bilewhat?

Wherefore Art Thou, Murderer?

The following is meant to be a short overview of my worldview or political philosophy. Think of it as all of my political essays wrapped up in one dense soy-flavoured PowerBar.

I have often been accused of talking out both sides of my mouth or being inconsistent. Though my views have mutated over the years, the basic premises have remained fairly consistent.

I am a Misanthrope. I dislike mankind and enjoy seeing society in general suffer when that suffering is deserved - I enjoy justice in a dog-eat-dog jungle environment. I believe that most of humanity is disposable and that the best way to enjoy my life is to avoid humanity unless it directly serves my needs and desires.

I am Satanic. I consider myself an adversary against what society/culture generally considers "good" and "moral". My life is best served utilizing the world for my own enjoyment. My value system is based on rational hedonism. I am not spiritual and I understand that the world will end when I die. The wind will blow away my footprints, people will forget about me and that will be the end of it all. Thus I only mortgage my life if I expect a return on equity within the same lifetime.

This should be qualified by the fact that I think I can manipulate men to my ends without necessarily using force - I think the best weapon to coax behavior from people is their own stupidity. I think guns and coercion have the unfortunate side-effect of giving undeserved power to morons.

I am a Capitalist. I believe that my success or failure in life is based on how creative and hard-working I am. I believe that those who are more creative and intelligent deserve better lives. Those who are lazy or possess less capable minds should not be given assistance in their lives unless they are valued by the individuals extending the assistance. I am an opportunist. I am a trader.

I believe that cost-benefit analysis rules my life from top to bottom. I only pay out when I intend to profit from the transaction. This is inclusive of emotional and intellectual transactions: I love and value my husband, but this is because I think my life is improved by him. I feel that he adds value to me.

I monitor and take regular stock of the returns on my physical, intellectual and emotional investments. I intend to buy low and sell high. I intend to hold onto the assets which are delivering a long-term and sustainable return. I will not donate a piece of my life to a charitable cause. If a "charity" seems worthy of my involvement, it is because I feel such involvement will deliver an end value to me greater than my investment.

I believe that the majority of mankind behaves the way I describe above at their root psychological level. Those who do not behave as I describe above (a small fraction of humanity) are evil and need to be actively sought out and exterminated. Those who pretend that they do not behave as I described above (the overwhelming majority of humanity) are the ballast I use to justify my adversarial, opportunistic mentality. It's worked rather well thus far...